
Oct 28, 2009

I saw God in the Shopping Center

I was at Lot One Shopping Mall during the Mid-Autumn festive season when I saw God.

I'm not joking. Look at the picture if you don't believe me. Not sure if the mooncake context offends anyone's sensitivities, but I find it mildly amusing. I wonder why they chose that of all names.


  1. icemoon, some people are able to see god but i can't, leh. you mean 'yahweh' is another name for god? 'yahweh' is jehovah?
    i also wonder why you spell centre the american way (center). you studied in an american university?

  2. I think either they are just trying to grab attention or the word happens to be a transliteration of a Chinese word. If it is the former, I think it is bad taste, and some may even find it offensive.

  3. Hi Icemoon,

    There is a 7th Manna cake boutique along Tanjong Katong Road. I can understand that they use the word 7th because it is next to the 7-eleven store. What about the word Manna?
    In the Old Testament, it refers to the miraculous food that dropped from Heaven.


  4. Yahweh is the closest intelligible name of God - YHWH, the famous four letter tetragammatron (biblical Hebrew has no vowels).

    What a lose-lose situation for them. Christians may find the name offensive. Non-Christians may not find the name 'cool' enough in the secular sense.

  5. yg, haha I guess most of our browser dictionary is preset to American English. If you spell it the British way, you will see a red underline.

  6. But even when I chose UK English, I still get the red underline? Anyway, I believe the younger generation don't care very much whether it is UK or US spelling - or pronunciation.

    I often hear the radio dj's pronounce the letter Z as "zee".

  7. Anonymous (Anonymouse?), there is a newly set up cafe in my son's JC called Manna Cafe. There is a phrase at the front door that says something to the effect of being grateful to the Lord for your food. I guess the owner must be a Christian andI believe there's currently no law to say that you can't use a religious term as a business name.

  8. I think it's a matter of comfort whether u can accept such displays. Take for example the Riverboat down at Marina South Pier. They got advertisement with Christian exhorting words to describe today's special menu. I like the food and the ambience.

    So long no one bothers you with "preaching" during a meal is alright for me because there is always a place and time for such practices.

  9. Chun See,

    I use firefox and the UK dictionary has to be downloaded and installed separately. If I choose UK english, the red underline is gone.

    Oh dear .. z is not zee? We say zee monster, or should it be zag monster?

  10. I think the phrase "manna from heaven" has entered into our common vocabulary.

    Yea, the Riverboat has a nice ambience. The food really biblical, haha.
