Oct 28, 2009
Oct 21, 2009
Rediscovering the Secret Tunnel under Orchard Road
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Thanks to all who commented, I have finally unravelled the mystery of the secret tunnel. The evidence has became indisputable, with multiple photos and eyewitness account. Because Second Shot is not Second Shot without the ground research, I took a trip down Orchard Road to see for myself the tunnel.
Oct 18, 2009
Amazing Red Dot Quiz (5) - Where is this in Singapore?
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My quiz is never difficult and there is no need to cheat. So dear readers, can you answer the following questions?
Here is a hint to make subsequent guesses more fun. This is not a polygonal quiz but a geography quiz after all. I took the photo below at .. you know where. Too bad this is not the quiz or everybody will get the correct answer.

- Where was this picture taken?
- What's the 'thing' in the foreground?
Here is a hint to make subsequent guesses more fun. This is not a polygonal quiz but a geography quiz after all. I took the photo below at .. you know where. Too bad this is not the quiz or everybody will get the correct answer.
Oct 11, 2009
2nd Shot: CHIJMES from Bras Basah and North Bridge Road Junction
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The second shot was taken in 2004, proof that my hobby predated the blog. It was memorable shooting from the hedge along Raffles Arcade, with vehicles coming in my direction. I was able to align the steeple of CHIJMES Chapel with the roof of the foreground building, so this second shot is one of my most satisfying to date.
Oct 7, 2009
Mooncake Galore, Tea Parade, Lantern Riddles and the Goodie Bag at NHB Mid-Autumn Party
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The FOYERs were cordially invited to NHB's "exclusive celebratory private party" - By the Light of the Lanterns - at Hua Song Museum. I have blogged about the museum tour; part 2 is about the party. It's party time!
Oct 4, 2009
Free Tour of Hua Song Museum at NHB Mid-Autumn Party
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The FOYERs were cordially invited to NHB's "exclusive celebratory private party" - By the Light of the Lanterns - at Hua Song Museum. I RSVPed, in anticipation of