The first leg of my "Singapura to Chiang Mai by Train" ended at Kuala Lumpur 1500 hours. The plan was to change into another set of clothing for the afternoon exploration before the next leg up Padang Besar by night train. Unfortunately it was public holiday (Jan 1) and the station shower room "tutup" (closed). So where can I change and do my business comfortably?
Jan 30, 2010
Left or Right for the Toilet?
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The first leg of my "Singapura to Chiang Mai by Train" ended at Kuala Lumpur 1500 hours. The plan was to change into another set of clothing for the afternoon exploration before the next leg up Padang Besar by night train. Unfortunately it was public holiday (Jan 1) and the station shower room "tutup" (closed). So where can I change and do my business comfortably?
Jan 27, 2010
From Singapura to Chiang Mai by Train
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The year got off to a good start at the promontory. The spectators were treated to a dazzling display of fireworks ushering in the new year, cheering and filming as the pyrotechnic display danced to the music accompaniment. For most revellers, celebration ended after the fireworks, or at dawn, when they hit the hay. Back in my room, I poured over the last bit of data and finished the final preparation. For me, celebration had only just begun.
Dawn is approaching in 2 hours. I have better use the remaining time to catch a wink. Hit the hay. The date now is 1 Jan 2010 and I have a mission at 6am.
Jan 18, 2010
The Pod and The Plaza
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Jan 10, 2010
2010 Countdown Fireworks from Central Promontory
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I love our 2009 location for viewing the countdown fireworks display but not the Great Squeeze along Esplanade Bridge. Therefore an alternate route had to be found.